

  • BuilderBase is a feature of the ScreenSystem that works with DI Containers to create screens and generate Pages and Modals.

  • The elements to be used in the next screen can be defined and passed as Parameters.

  • For example, a UI where tapping an item in your inventory takes you to the item detail page,

    • You can pass the ID of the selected item as a parameter to the next screen.

Example code in the Sign In Modal

public class SignInModalBuilder : ModalBuilderBase<SignInModalLifecycle, SignInModalView>
    public SignInModalBuilder(bool playAnimation) : base(playAnimation)

If you want to pass parameters to the screen call, you can use the

  • ModalBuilderBase and PageBuilderBase come in two versions, one with parameters and one without.

namespace ScreenSystem.Modal
    public abstract class ModalBuilderBase<TModal, TModalView, TParameter> : ModalBuilderBase<TModal, TModalView>
        where TModal : IModal
        where TModalView : ModalViewBase
        public ModalBuilderBase(TParameter parameter, bool playAnimation = true, string overridePrefabName = null);

        protected override void SetUpParameter(LifetimeScope lifetimeScope);

        public async UniTask<IModal> Build(ModalContainer modalContainer, LifetimeScope parent, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    public abstract class ModalBuilderBase<TModal, TModalView> : IModalBuilder
        where TModal : IModal
        where TModalView : ModalViewBase
        public ModalBuilderBase(bool playAnimation = true, string overridePrefabName = null);

If you use a parameterized BuilderBase, the LifetimeScope for that screen will also be parameterized by the LifetimeScopeWithParameter<T> This way, when the screen is created on the Builder side, it will automatically pass the parameters to the LifetimeScope.

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