

  • The top-level LifetimeScope for a project.

  • It lasts from the start of the game to the end.

  • The ScreenSystem is also responsible for launching a kind of EntryPoint.

Implementation policy

  • Page containers and modal containers are referenced via SerializeField.

  • Register the two referenced containers.

    • IContainerBuilder type as an extension method of the ScreenSystem-supported RegisterPageSystemand RegisterModalSystem methods supported by ScreenSystem.

  • Push the first page.

    • Create an EntryPoint class.

      • Implement it using the IStartable interface.

      • Register as a RegisterEntryPoint in the RootLifetimeScope.

      • Inject a PageEventPublisher and send a PageBuilder as a message to push the page.

    • Register other message brokers, network-related dependencies, etc.

public class RootLifetimeScope : LifetimeScope
    [SerializeField] UnityScreenNavigator.Runtime.Core.Page.PageContainer _container;
    [SerializeField] UnityScreenNavigator.Runtime.Core.Modal.ModalContainer _modalContainer;

    protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.Register<IHttpClient>(_ => new HttpClient(), Lifetime.Singleton);

        var options = builder.RegisterMessagePipe();

    private class TestEntryPoint : IStartable
        private readonly PageEventPublisher _publisher;

        public TestEntryPoint(PageEventPublisher publisher)
            _publisher = publisher;

        public void Start()
            _publisher.SendPushEvent(new TestPageBuilder());

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